7 Surprising Reasons Why It Is Important To Set Realistic Goals

Ever found yourself caught in the struggle to turn ambitions into achievements?

I’ve been there too, struggling to lose those last 5 pounds to get to my goal weight, falling behind on my goal to read one book per month, or wrestling with the challenge of making my mark as an online entrepreneur.

Whichever your goal is, do you remember anything like this?: a not-so-distant past where goals seemed elusive, success a distant dream. Yes, I remember it too, but there’s a game-changer: Realistic goal setting. It transformed my journey from frustration to flourishing. And it can do the same for you, too!

In the ups and downs of life and what I wanted from it, I discovered the surprising impact of setting goals grounded in reality. This is why I want you to discover the surprising benefits of realist goal setting for yourself.

What Is A Realistic Goal?

A realistic goal is an objective that is measurable, achievable, and within a manageable timeframe. Setting realistic goals with a clear and realistic action plan can help you evaluate your progress and make necessary adjustments along the way.

By breaking your ultimate aspiration into smaller milestones and creating a time-based action plan, you can maximize your chances of success in reaching your goals. Hence, the importance of setting realistic goals.

What Is An Action Plan?

An action plan is a detailed roadmap outlining the specific steps, tasks, and timelines required to achieve your objectives. It is essential for achieving a realistic goal.

Action plans help in creating an effective goal-setting process.

By breaking down the ultimate goal into smaller, attainable goals with time-based milestones along the way, you can maximize your chances of success. 

How To Create An Action Plan

To ensure progress towards tour realistic goals, actions need to be manageable and time-based, with a clear timeframe and deadline in place.

Why Is It Important To Set Realistic Goals?

Setting goals that align with reality is crucial for increasing the likelihood of achieving them. This alignment not only maintains motivation but also allows for a clearer understanding of how your goals impact your life.

When goals are overly challenging, the likelihood of feeling discouraged and giving up increases. On the contrary, establishing realistic goals fosters ongoing action, enabling you to adhere to set timelines and significantly improving the chances of successfully accomplishing your objectives.

Surprising Reasons Why Setting Realistic Goals Is Important

1. Keeps You Accountable

Setting realistic goals and the full awareness of their attainability keeps you on your toes. When you know your goals are achievable, you run out of reasons not to work on them. 

Once your realistic goals are set and your action plan is in place, you’re more likely to stick to the plan, meeting deadlines and honoring commitments. This accountability transforms aspirations into tangible actions, ensuring that every bit of progress made is purposeful and in alignment with the bigger picture.

Picture This Realistic Goal: 

Let’s say that, just like me, you set a goal to read one book per month. At first, it sounds doable.
But because you know you have a whole month, some days you read a lot pages, and then none for the next three days, does this ensure your success? You guessed it, it doesn’t.

So instead, I commit to reading every workday for half an hour before bed. Now that’s an achievable daily task! And I no longer fall behind. This is how you create a manageable pace.

This accountability system ensures you stay on course, fostering a consistent reading habit and making the goal more feasible and enjoyable in the long run.

2. Enhances Mental Well-Being

Embarking on realistic goals isn’t just about achievements; it’s a journey that nurtures your mental well-being.

By setting goals that are within reach, you alleviate the stress and anxiety that often accompany unrealistic expectations. This mindful approach cultivates a positive mindset, fostering a sense of accomplishment and contributing to your overall mental health and happiness.

A Realistic Goal For A Student: 

As an example, consider a student preparing for a crucial exam, like a college entrance test.

A realistic goal could be to achieve a specific study milestone each week leading up to the exam date: Obtain 90 points in the quiz for chapter one of the algebra book. 

Instead of setting an unrealistic expectation to master all topics at once, the student focuses on manageable portions, alleviating the mental burden.

This approach fosters a positive mindset, as each completed milestone becomes a small victory, contributing to the student’s overall mental well-being during the challenging exam preparation period.

3. Sharpens Decision-Making

Realistic goals serve as a compass, guiding your decision-making with clarity. Instead of struggling with uncertainty, achievable objectives provide a clear path forward.

This sharpened focus empowers you to make decisions aligned with your goals, avoiding the pitfalls of impulsive choices. It’s a strategic mindset that ensures each decision contributes to the larger narrative of your success story.

A Realistic Goal For Your Health:

Imagine you’re on a fitness journey, and your goal is to increase your bench press strength. A realistic goal could be to add 10 pounds to your current bench press weight within two months.

This goal sharpens your decision-making process in the gym. Instead of attempting a drastic increase that could lead to injury or burnout, you focus on selecting an appropriate weight progression, adjusting your workout routine, and incorporating proper recovery strategies.

Each decision aligns with your realistic goal, ensuring steady progress and minimizing the risk of setbacks.

4. Amplifies Focus and Productivity

Realistic goals become the North Star guiding your focus and turbocharging productivity. Instead of scattering efforts, you concentrate on tasks aligned with the goal, heightening focus.

This laser-like attention not only amplifies productivity but also ensures each step taken contributes meaningfully to the overarching objective, bringing success into sharper focus.

A Realistic Goal For Your Intellect:

Imagine you’ve set a personal goal to learn a new language. To amplify focus and productivity, make it realistic, such as dedicating 20 minutes daily to language study. This achievable goal sharpens your focus during each study session. Rather than feeling overwhelmed, you concentrate on specific language elements, enhancing productivity.

The goal acts as a guide, ensuring that your efforts contribute meaningfully to language acquisition. This focused approach not only amplifies productivity but also makes the language-learning journey more manageable and successful.

5. Ensures Sustainable Progress

Have ever created a New Year’s resolution? If you’re like most of us, you have. Chances are that you even wanted to start working on your goal way before that, but putting it off felt more convenient. 

We do this because we dread the work it’ll take. It is comforting to think that, while not now, there’s a future that comes along with our success already achieved. This is obviously a mistake. Because achieving a goal is not a destination, but a journey. And every effort put in every single day counts. 

A Realistic Goals For Your Well-Being:

Consider one of the most common personal goals: Adopting a healthier diet.

A way to ensure sustainable progress could be to incorporate one additional serving of vegetables into your meals each day that replaces highly processed food.

This realistic target ensures a gradual shift towards a healthier lifestyle. Instead of attempting drastic dietary changes, this approach allows for a sustainable progression.

Each day, you make a small, manageable adjustment, creating lasting habits that contribute to improved health over time. This realistic and incremental strategy guarantees sustainable progress in your journey toward a healthier diet and lifestyle.

6. Boosts Confidence

We commonly disregard the mental affect of giving up on tasks we had already taken on. We can pick up where we left off and continue working on them in the future, right? If that’s you now, I challenge you to give this another thought:

Think of your self-confidence as a bank account. Every time you decide to stray or give up on a goal, you make a withdrawal. And when you achieve something you wanted, you make a deposit. 

Considering that the money in your bank account isn’t infinite (Surprise! I’m not rich, either.), you’ll eventually run out and have none left for your future endeavors. 
That’s exactly how your confidence works. At some point you will have given up so many times, that you don’t have the confidence to take on something new. You’ve tried in the past and it didn’t work, why try again? 

Achieving realistic goals sets a precedent for yourself that helps you believe in your potential.

But there’s a way back out, and that’s achieving realistic goals. When you work on something small and fulfill it, you’ll start making the deposits that build a considerable “bank account”. That’ll back you up to take on something larger in the future.

7. Encourages Long-Term Success

Realistic goals lay the groundwork for enduring success, much like building a sturdy foundation for a house.

Consider a career goal to attain a leadership position. A realistic target might involve acquiring a new skill each quarter. This achievable goal ensures continuous growth, fostering a pathway for long-term success.

Instead of setting unrealistic expectations for rapid advancement, the realistic approach paves the way for sustained progress, setting the stage for enduring achievements and a fulfilling career journey.

How To Set Realistic Goals

Here’s a breakdown of what an action plan typically includes:

1. Define Your Goal Clearly:
Clearly state your goal. I recommend you use the SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound).

2. Break Down the Goal:
Divide the main goal into smaller, more manageable tasks. This makes the overall objective less overwhelming and more achievable.

3. Create a Timeline:
Assign specific timeframes to each task. This ensures that progress is measurable and helps in staying on track.

4. Identify Resources:
Determine the resources needed to accomplish each task. This could include time, finances, skills, or any other relevant factors.

5. Allocate Responsibilities: [Optional]
If the goal involves a other people, assign responsibilities to individuals based on their strengths and expertise.

6. Establish Milestones:
Set intermediate milestones to track progress. Celebrating smaller achievements can boost motivation.

7. Regularly Review and Adjust:
Periodically review the action plan, assess progress, and make adjustments if necessary. Flexibility is key to adapting to changes.

8. Seek Support:
If needed, involve others who can provide support, guidance, or expertise to ensure the successful execution of the action plan.

By creating and following an action plan, you not only enhance the chances of reaching your realistic goals but also gain a structured approach that keeps you focused and motivated throughout the journey.

How To Make Sure You Achieve Your Realistic Goals

Transforming your goals into achievements depends directly on the actionable daily tasks you perform.
Do they contribute to your ultimate goal? If so, then progress is inevitable. 

Let’s consider a common goal of becoming more organized. Your realistic objective could be to declutter and organize one area of your home each week.

Break it down further into daily tasks: designate 15 minutes daily to decluttering, organizing, or cleaning a small section. These manageable, actionable tasks ensure ongoing progress. Day by day, you tackle specific areas, fostering a more organized living space.

Consistency in these daily actions becomes the key to achieving your overarching goal of a more organized and streamlined living environment.

A Surefire Way To Achieve Your Goals

When it comes to achieving any goal, action is key. So how do you make sure you follow through and get on your path to success?

A daily planner is your best bet.

This how you should tackle this: After setting your realistic goals, break them down into steps, create a simple action plan, and put it all in your daily planner. In this planner, you must add the specific tasks to tackle each day, whether they should be recurring, at what time, resources you need, and any other relevant information. Then add more details such as how much time you dedicate to them, and notes on your progress.

Make sure to keep your daily planner with you for easy reference and to keep adding to it.

Now, the easiest way I have found to do all this is with a fantastic tool: BeforeSunset
It helps me keep my tasks organized and make consistent progress.

BeforeSunset: A platform that helps you achieve your goals through task management and time tracking

By integrating BeforeSunset.AI into your routine, you ensure that each day comes with clear, achievable tasks, steering you toward the ongoing progress and eventual completion of your realistic goals.

This app helps you do all I mentioned and more. Sign up for free today!

The Bottom Line

Turning aspirations into achievements requires more than wishful thinking; it demands smart planning.

In this article, I haven’t only just explained the importance of setting realistic goals, but also the benefits of the process, such as enhancing your mental well-being and boosting your confidence.

Now, the journey doesn’t end with understanding how goals are achieved; it continues with action.

To ensure ongoing progress, try this powerful tool: BeforeSunset. This app simplifies the process of transforming goals into actionable daily tasks, making consistent progress achievable. With BeforeSunset, each day becomes a step closer to the ultimate success of your realistic goals.

Sign up for free today and let the journey begin – where aspirations meet achievements seamlessly.

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